xyzplt - 3D lines and points plot with OpenGL
xyzplt |
[-c height] [-h] [-m angle sleep] [-s sleep] [file] |
The xyzplt(1) program plots lines and points with different colors in 3D using OpenGL. The plots can be animated. The input file structure is quite simple.
The following
options can be given.
-c height
Set the vertical camera position. The default value is 0.7.
-h |
Print help text and exit. |
-m angle sleep
Rotate the cube in steps of angle in degrees with sleep time sleep in milliseconds.
-s sleep
Set time steps for animation to sleep.
The input data is read from standard input or the given file. The head of the file can contain comment lines, which start with an ’#’ character.
First, you can include the axes labels. The labels are optional and the default is "x", "y" and "z".
xlabel "label"
ylabel "label"
zlabel "label"
box x y z
This decribes the length of the sides of the three dimensional box in which the plotting is done. The default values are 1.0 1.0 1.0. The next expression is:
scale xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax
This are the coordinate ranges for the cube in which the lines and points are drawn. The default is 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0.
animate nt
This optional statement tells xyzplt(1) to read in nt data blocks, one for each time step. If this statement is not given, no animation is done.
data n
This directive gives the number of line and points statements.
line red green blue n vertex-x vertex-y vertex-z ...
This statement plots a line in the RGB colors red green blue with n vertices.
points red green blue n vertex-x vertex-y vertex-z ...
This statement plots n points in the RGB colors red green blue.
This program was written by Ralph Trenkler <ralph-trenkler(at)>.